Creatio International Celebrates 17 Years of Faith and Creativity

Creatio 17th Anniversary

Creatio International, a Christian fellowship for designers, celebrated its 17th anniversary at its headquarters in Dover, NY, with a series of events that highlighted the ministry's vision and mission. The celebration included a special worship service and a successful branding workshop hosted by the Creatio Art School.

The worship service featured an inspiring sermon by Pastor David Chang of the World Olivet Assembly, who preached from Psalm 19:1-4. His sermon, titled "Their Words to the Ends of the World," emphasized the role of creation in declaring God's glory. "God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on Earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood shed on the cross," Pastor Chang shared, underlining the significance of reconciliation and peace through Christ.

Attendees were deeply moved by Pastor Chang's message, which reinforced the fellowship's commitment to using art and design as means to share God's love and the gospel. After the service, the congregation prayed and praised together, seeking to honor God through their worship and creative endeavors.

The celebration also featured a branding workshop organized by the Creatio Art School, which concluded successfully. The workshop provided participants with valuable opportunities for growth and learning, focusing on the theme of branding. Designers from various fields gathered to share and receive insights, engaging in in-depth discussions about the core elements of branding. This event showcased the educational philosophy and vision of the Creatio Art School, which aims to inspire and equip designers to integrate their faith with their creative work.

Participants left the workshop with enhanced expertise and a renewed sense of purpose. They are expected to apply the knowledge gained to their respective design projects, resulting in more creative and innovative outcomes. The workshop highlighted Creatio International's dedication to fostering a community where faith and creativity intersect, empowering designers to make a meaningful impact through their work.

Overall, the 17th anniversary celebration of Creatio International was a testament to the ministry's vision of spreading the gospel and love of Christ through art and design. The combination of worship, fellowship, and educational opportunities reinforced the fellowship's mission and inspired attendees to continue their creative journey with a renewed commitment to their faith.