As preparations continue with less than a month to go, Olivet Academy and Olivet Teen Mission International announced details of the International Summer Camp program to be held in Korea at the Olivet AsiaPacific Center from August 1 to 13.
The program for teens and children of Olivet Assembly churches from around the world will include various activities including prayer, bible memorization and lectures on the bible and the church's history, a performing arts festival, prayer meetings, journaling and touring.
Organizers say the program was created with a focus on providing teens the opportunity to not only meet God deeply and learn about the Olivet Assembly community but also to fellowship and build relationships with one another.
Morning activities will include prayer, bible verse memorization, and lectures with the theme "You Are A Chosen People" from 1 Peter 2:9, and reflection on the Bible messages, referred to as "breaking bread."
Afternoons on most days will include lectures on the history of the church and sacrifices of senior pastors and members. A special seminar will be given by the Faith and Family Foundation.
Participants will have time for practicing performances with others from their cities of origin for a Jubilee Festival held in the second week. Teens and children will work together to showcase their talents, skills and interests for worshipping God.
Days will usually end with a prayer meeting and a time to write reflections in their journals. Teens and children have expressed to organizers that prayer time is one of their favorite parts of the camp where they can express their hearts to God and meet Him more personally.
The second week will also include field trips where they will tour parts of Korea and learn about the various ministries of the World Olivet Assembly denomination.