Gratia Church in Cebu, Philippines is located in the OA Southeast Asia region. It is the second church established by OA missionaries in the Philippines after Manila Immanuel church.
"I believe that God has prepared many good souls," said OA SEA representative Pastor Samuel Chang. "Through this Philippines mission, I believe God is dreaming a bigger dream."
Gratia church is aiming to increase the number of members who are believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who have committed their lives to God's Kingdom.
The church is taking advantage of Filipinos' great interest and love for Korean culture by offering free Korean language classes. Those who are interested in bible study are encouraged to attend Sunday services and join bible studies regularly with the hope that they can eventually become committed members in the church.
In addition to raising members through the Word of God, the church provides the opportunity to let them young leaders join the Olivet Leadership Institute to strengthen and solidify their faith.
"By participating in the joint retreats, we hope that members will be able to have bigger dreams and participate in the establishment of God's kingdom," Pastor Samuel said.
Southeast Asia region leaders have increased contact with OA church leaders in Hong Kong and Korea to expand the mission and nurture future leaders.
Cebu church aims to also establish OA-related organizations such as Elim, Jubilee World and Creatio. The church also aims to expand mission to other cities in the Philippines later this year.
Please pray for the Cebu Church so that it may help establish new churches and ministries and so that current members can be healthy in spirit and body. The hope for the church is that it can expand to reach more souls for Jesus Christ and establishing God's Kingdom.