Celebrating the Day of Family Church: Embracing Christian Family Values Worldwide

The Day of Family
The Day of Family
The Day of Family
The Day of Family
The Day of Family
Family Day

On a bright Sunday morning, the congregation in Immanuel Chapel based in Dover gathered to celebrate the Day of Family Church, a special day dedicated to honoring the Christian family. Marking the 23rd anniversary, this annual event is a time for believers to reflect on the biblical purpose and meaning of family, recognizing it as a vital institution established by God. Through the love and unity demonstrated within a family, Christians can reveal the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. 

The celebration began with a reading from Genesis 2:18-24, which underscores the divine origin of family. 

The speaker highlighted that marriage, as described in Genesis, predates the church. It is a sacred institution ordained by God, designed for a man and a woman to become "one flesh." This union is not without its challenges, but through the sacrificial love exemplified by Jesus on the cross, it can become a beautiful and fulfilling relationship. 

The celebration also included a touching choral and orchestra performance from the children and youth, performing the song Welcome to the Family by Ernie Rettino, Debby Kerner Rettino & Psalty. Participants left with a renewed commitment to fostering a Christ-centered home, recognizing that the way they love and support each other is a testament to their faith. 

In his closing remarks, the pastor encouraged everyone to remember that family is a foundational element of God's plan for humanity. By demonstrating the love of Christ in our families, we can witness to the world the gospel of Jesus Christ. He urged the congregation to carry forward the day's message, living out their faith in their homes and communities. 

The Day of Family Church celebration was a heartwarming and inspirational event, which is also echoed around congregations across WOA's network around the world. It's a day reminding Christians around the globe of the divine purpose and beauty of family. It reaffirmed the belief that through Christ's love, families can thrive and reflect God's glory to the world.