Olivet Summer Camp 2024: "The Path of the Disciple" Inspires Many in Colombia

Olivet Summer Camp in Colombia

From June 29 to July 1, the serene town of Sibaté, Cundinamarca, Colombia, became a hub of spiritual growth and fellowship as it hosted the Olivet Summer Camp. The camp, themed "The Path of the Disciple," drew attendees from various parts of Latin America, offering three days filled with Bible readings, worship sessions, competitions, and baptisms.

This year's camp welcomed a diverse group of participants from across the continent, reflecting the growing unity and shared mission among evangelical communities in South America. The camp's agenda was packed with enriching activities designed to foster spiritual camaraderie and deepen the understanding of discipleship among attendees.

A youth fellowship leader from Chile, shared his insights and testimony, emphasizing the significance of living a Christ-like life. He remarked,

"I came to learn the heart that recognizes that I am not enough. A true disciple is one who has the character of Christ. With the Sermon on the Mount, we learned that Jesus was revealing his heart and showing us the path we should follow, which is his example. The gospel is the life of Jesus. We must always have a heart available for the Lord. Jesus not only preached, he lived what he preached. Are we the ones who are living the life of Christ? The Lord taught us through his Spirit that to be poor in spirit is to be humble. The world shows that to be strong is to have position or want to be king, but the Lord reveals to us that being vulnerable is all we need to be strengthened by the Father."

The event was a melting pot of cultures and traditions, united by a shared faith and mission. Participants engaged in various activities that aimed to reinforce their commitment to discipleship and encourage living out the teachings of Christ authentically.

As the camp concluded, there was a palpable sense of gratitude and anticipation for God's continued work across South America. The collective hope among attendees is for the evangelical mission to expand its reach and deepen its impact in more countries across the continent. Organizers called upon the community to pray for the growth and strength of these missions, highlighting the importance of unity and support in spreading the message of Christ.