World Olivet Assembly Joins Annual Dover Town Cleanup Day

Dover Clean Up Day 2024
Dover Clean Up Day 2024

The World Olivet Assembly (WOA) played a significant role in the annual Dover Town Cleanup Day, highlighting their commitment to community service and environmental stewardship. The event, held at Boyce Park Pavilion, saw a diverse group of volunteers, including members from other local groups, come together to make a positive impact on their town.

The day began with a safety briefing by town officials at Boyce Park Pavilion, setting the stage for a coordinated cleanup effort. Volunteers, armed with gloves, trash bags, and a shared sense of purpose, dispersed in groups to tackle litter along New York State Routes 22 and 55.

WOA's team, alongside other local volunteers, worked diligently to clean the roadsides. Their efforts were part of a larger initiative to enhance the town's environment, reflecting the organization's dedication to serving the community.

The collaborative effort of all participants, including WOA, resulted in a visibly cleaner and more beautiful Dover. The event underscored the importance of community involvement and the positive change that can be achieved when individuals and organizations come together for a common cause.

This year's Cleanup Day once again demonstrated the power of unity and the shared responsibility of maintaining a clean and welcoming environment. The World Olivet Assembly's active involvement showcased their ongoing commitment to making a difference in the communities they serve.