A Celebration of Faith: WOA’s 31st Anniversary Service Held Reaffirms Commitment on the Great Commission

A Celebration of Faith: WOA’s 31st Anniversary Service Held Reaffirms Commitment on the Great Commission

The anniversary service of the 31st General Assembly was a heartfelt tribute to the glory of God, a reaffirmation of the Great Commission bestowed upon His disciples by the Lord Jesus Christ. The General Secretary of OA Southeast Asia, commenced the service with an opening prayer, followed by an intercessory prayer offered by the Representative of Main Church Networks and Pastor of LA Pilgrim Church.

Amidst this grace-filled atmosphere, the main sermon focused on the Great Commission and drew from the scripture found in Matthew 28:18-20, which served as the cornerstone of the 31st WGA. The assembly was urged to etch the Great Commission into their hearts, as it stands as an invaluable directive from Jesus Christ Himself.
The importance of not forgetting the truth that "all authority in heaven and on earth" has been vested in the Son of God was emphasized. Through faith, believers' status has transformed from that of a servant to a child of God, aligning with the concept presented in John 1:12 and Romans 8. As Jesus Christ is the Son of the Most High, believers, in their faith, follow suit, becoming the fruits following the first fruit.

The congregation was asked, "Where is our battle?" It was passionately asserted that it revolves around one's identity as a child of God, holding onto this truth, and living in its light to remain unwavering in the face of any temptation. The assembly was urged, "Now that we have been granted authority, what should we do? Therefore, 'go' for the Kingdom of God."
A historical trend in which many Christian churches traditionally focused solely on gathering, often sidelining the Great Commission, was recognized. Even the Reformed Church, founded on the profound sacrifices of reformers, at times hesitated to embark on missions due to theological reservations, particularly regarding double predestination. The significance of sound theology and the correct understanding of doctrine was emphasized. It was asserted, "The Lord said, 'go.'"
The significance of "Olivet," the place where Jesus endured suffering, shed tears, exhibited unwavering faith, and resolved to bear the Cross, was elucidated. It was also the place where the Lord, who loved us until the end, was anointed as the Messiah, the King. Olive leaves symbolize a time of peace. Bethany, located to the east of Olivet, was where the Lord welcomed even those who were ostracized before ascending to heaven.

Furthermore, the message underscores the command to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Apostles and disciples are those who are sent, bearing the weight of the Great Commission. Baptism signifies a rebirth, a sign of 'dying and rising again' for the saved. Attendees were reminded of the remarkable authority already bestowed upon them.

Last but certainly not least, the importance of "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" was highlighted. Beyond the rituals like baptism and the sharing of spiritual blessings and authorities, the act of teaching the Word of God is of utmost significance. The purpose of teaching is to integrate these teachings into daily life, ensuring that individuals are blessed when they come and go.

In closing, the sermon underscores the comforting promise, "I will be with you until the end of time." This promise underscores the unwavering presence of the Lord. The ministers of Olivet, those who are cherished like the apple of the Lord's eye, are blessed to be the disciples who spread the Gospel to the farthest corners of the earth.