Nehemiah Project in Korea Focuses on Ministry Training for Carpenters


Nehemiah team in Korea recruits extensively people to participate in the 'School for Young Carpenter.' to grow technicians per each process for construction. 

The carpenter education process is with theory and practice. Members of the Nehemiah ministry have attended a program in Cheong ju in which all educational expense, charge for board and lodging by the supported Korean Government. 

The goal is to foster many able carpenters working under Nehemiah ministry to construct building, offices, and house for the wholistic work of spreading the gospel. 

"Job of carpenter is in higher demand in construction than any other jobs, so the need to raise believers with such technical skill in this ministry has never been more important, whether domestically or in foreign countries for the purpose of mission." Said the representative of Nehemiah Korea.

Every applicant to this program will undergo intensive training for several weeks to hone their basic skills prior to moving on to professional fields. Volunteers can apply for this course by getting a recommendation from their local Olivet Assembly pastors.