KBers World Conference to Challenge Participants


The KBers World Conference 2016 will be held in New York. The conference will challenge a new generation of business leaders to discover their calling in God's global mission. The conference purpose is to "establish a clear international KBers network and promote various business models to support local and international mission. Strength current KBers business mission and expect to generate more profit to support world mission," says World Conference program director.

The conference will be divided by continental representatives for a duration of four days while each city representatives will participate in a systematized two-weeks training program as Kingdom Builders in supporting the mission work.

The program was organized with a focus on the KBers international ministry expansion. There will be few seminars and discussion of new business ventures along with a tour.

The participants will stay for a two-week program designed to provide more day-to-day training sessions. Throughout the program, participants will learn about customer service, shipping as well as time for practical practice to put into action what they have learned.