WKBC Concludes with Resolution to Support World Mission

kbers world conference

2016 World KBers Conference concluded the first four-day program for business-mission leaders. The conference united continental KBers participants as they shared goals of their current projects on various business models.

All the participants were glad to receive vision and inspiration to serve mission through their respective business ministries. The leaders had time for individual meeting as well as to meet at the headquarters office to discuss global network plan and business plan. 

An executive from Europe shared, "This conference was amazing, it was an eye opener. I have learnt so much about Kbers mission, about the correct way to work, and I am very happy that I was able to meet all Kbers leaders and learn from them.

One leader from Australia expressed, "I feel like this conference marks an important milestone for the development of KBers. Unlike before, I did not come just to learn business techniques, I come to know a greater hope for global mission. As a business missionary in Perth, it is always easy to fall into narrow mindedness. I am grateful to be here, and hope to keep a tight connection with the world and bring back much blessings to Oceania."

KBer, abbreviation for Kingdom Builders, is a ministry formed by members of the Olivet Assembly with the purpose to provide a financial basis for their worldwide mission works by developing, running and training in simple business models.  

The KBer ministry regularly holds training programs to equip missionaries worldwide with necessary skills to set up and run businesses in their mission fields. Missionaries and fellowships are grateful for this opportunity to support their mission, making them financially independent and enabling them to concentrate on their commission of teaching the gospel of Christ. Kingdom Builders co-work in a global network encouraging each other and supporting numerous missionaries to fulfil their commission and to expand their mission activities continuously.