OAAP Countries in the Region Share Pentecost Goals and Plans



Olivet Assembly of Asia Pacific says leaders from countries in the region received much grace and power through the recent regional Easter retreat. Each national Olivet Assembly aims to reach its mission goals until Pentecost, revealing great works of the Holy Spirit.


In a recent meeting, some OAAP leaders outlined their mission goals and action plans until Pentecost. Toward Pentecost, the countries in the region are placing sharp focus on evangelistic outreach to more people. A variety of ways to present the gospel are being planned.

Japan is focusing on evangelism goals at its churches until Pentecost. Olivet Assembly of Japan is holding regular meetings to track progress. In May, Japan aims to hold a three-day session of Olivet Leadership Institute.

Australia churches are focused on increasing its registered members and committed members. Churches plan to hold baptism events on Pentecost Sunday and emphasize street and campus evangelism while enhancing public websites and social media. New Zealand aims to raise leaders by focusing on increasing attendance on services, emphasizing outreach to university students and teens. 

Korea reports that beyond more dedicated focus on evangelism, each presbytery plans to hold mini-retreats and Bible seminars. Some churches are preparing to pioneer new churches in collaboration with Olivet Assembly of Korea.

Hong Kong aims to set up leaders for campus ministry through daily evangelism and outreach. Among the programs, it plans to provide are hiking, worship and a Mother's Day event.

In Mongolia, the leadership is planning a two-day Pentecost retreat with preparations taking place in the 40 days until Pentecost. Local church members are being encouraged to come to church and study the word and pray together.

May God bless the ones he has called and open the way for many people receive His saving grace in the weeks ahead.