AM Kenya Braces for National Youth Seminar in October

Am Kenya


Apostolos Missions in Kenya has grown graciously by the grace of God in this past month. The chapter is preparing to hold a youth seminar on October 21. 

The seminar will take place at Nairobi Gratia Church and will be host a full day event for AM members in Kenya. The theme will be "Seek First His Kingdom," and will take place from 10 am until 8 pm. The seminar will be held most of the day on topics of discussion from biblical studies. And then in small groups the attendees will have participate in preaching in the streets of the city. 

AM international leaders are praying fervently for this event. AM Kenya leader, Kefa, shares his hope and expectations for the youth in Kenya, "God is doing greater things here in Kenya because of AM. And I believe that many young people are going to know Christ, and many young people are going to change, and many young people are going to be transformed."

Please pray for Kenya's upcoming youth seminar. Let us pray that many young Kenyans will participate and join the movement of doing God's work.