Venezuela to Establish Barnabas Relief Fund as Means of Active Outreach


Empty grocery store, people lining up at the grocery store from early morning, people looking for something from trash can, people flee in boats to look to survive, this is the current image seen in Venezuela because of the economic collapse of a country once boasted about their richness as an oil production country. 

The situation is becoming more serious, more and more people die because of the lack of food, lack of medicine. Venezuelan citizens are looking for something, a helping hand desperately. Venezuela mission seeks to establish the model of Barnabas Relief Fund to encourage people in need through the offering of food, shelter and medical assistance as means of active outreach. 

A suitable place for the outreach search is going on, in which the compassion of God can be felt through food giving but at the same time people will be fed spiritual food with some bible class opened for them. Strategy is being discussed to import food products from neighboring countries and bring it into Venezuela to aid the needy population.

Leaders of South America expect that through this project many afflicted Venezuelans will be greatly comforted and nurtured. They believe as they plan and start, God will open up a door. 

The purpose of Barnabas Relief Fund follows the biblical example. As the apostle Barnabas was called a "Son of Encouragement" and gave his possessions for God's purposes in the church, Barnabas Relief Fund also wishes to encourage people in need through the offering of food, shelter and medical assistance.